Feb 6, 2016
Cast for the Sixth flick. I will talk about the cast for the next part in the series. This movie will be the last of the Titans series. No two parter is involved; it will just be a single movie with our team. For this flick, I will borrow elements from the fifth season of the 2000s TV series. My movie will have an expanded Teen Titans fight the Brotherhood of Evil led by the malicious The Brain. So it will be a cool story to see. Beast Boy will have his origin told and will play a pivotal part here. Now I tell the cast of Teen Titans V.
Robin is the first Titan. See other casts for character info.
Starfire is the ditzy, but kickass alien. See other casts for character info.
Cyborg is the robotic Titan. See other casts for character info.
Beast Boy is the shape shifter . See other casts for character info.
Lightning is the lightning powered honorary Titan. See other casts for character info.
Thunder is a sound wave honorary Titan. See other casts for character info.
Speedy is the male archer. See other casts for character info.
Aqualad is the Atlantean honorary Titan. See other casts for character info.
Wonder Girl is the Donna version and has a lasso. See other casts for character info.
Bumblebee is the insect themed honorary Titan. See other casts for character info.
Kid Flash is the Wally West version of the legacy speedster. See other casts for character info.
Mas y Menos are the Guatemalan Titans. See other casts for character info.
Jericho is the body possesser who's Slade's son. See other casts for character info.
Ravager is the sexy assassin and honorary Titan. See other casts for character info.
Hot Spot is another honorary Titan. This dude has fire powers. Costume is a black long sleeved bedouin like outfit with black pants and shoes. Name was changed from Joto as it was revealed that Joto is a slur in Spanish speaking nations. He is cool. My casting for Hot Spot is Chance the Rapper. Chance would be 26 years old when the flick releases. Chance is an average actor.Rap fans will be tempted to see this movie because of him. In my flick, Hot Spot lives in Morocco and is tough. Main team will hand him communicator when they expand. Unlike his comics counterpart, he will not have a flaming head since that's too expensive for filming. So he will just throw fire at opponents who attack. Basically Hot Spot is pyrokinetic. Original version was formed in the late 1990s. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Pantha is my next Titan. She is an honorary member. He name derives from being like a panther, which is a wild cat. Comic version was a Scrappy, but my flick version will be more likable. No 90s anti- hero crap with this girl. She will be a street fighter without any cat skin or ears. Version of her costume will be almost the sames as her comics costume. Unfortunately, comics Pantha got killed by the despicable Superboy- Prime. But I swear that this one will not be killed in Teen Titans V. Throughout the movie, she will be alive. My casting for Pantha is Leslie Grace. Grace would be 24 years old when the film releases. Grace is a newbie actress. Now she is building a bachata career. This is sort of good for Teen Titans V. People from the Dominican Republic who like bachata can see this movie in theathers because of her. Also, Grace is an Afro- latina like pantha. Racial casting is important to this role. Outfit is similar to her comics version. No fake ears are on her: just a full face mask. You will see her as a normal human. Thus this role will have these few criterion before filming starts.
Supergirl is the next characther here. In the comics, she has been both a Teen Titan and justice league member. Was in the Titans before Superbiy was in it. Flick version has same powers as the DCEU Superman since she's a Kryptonian action girl. While Superboy was on the team, he doesn't fit into the timeline. Blonde hair is a significant feature of this heroine. You will like seeing Supergirl in this film. In my DCCU, she had a solo movie before appearing for this role. My casting for Supergirl is Caroline Sunshine. Sunshine would be 23 years old when this film releases. Sunshine is a good actress. You may recognize her from Disney Channel. This girl would be great for the role. We can't use Melissa Benoist since the TV and cinematic universes are separate. Thus, we use Sunshine instead. Costume is a long sleeved blue S top and a red short skirt. Red bandana will be in her hair. Overall, this is what Supergirl does.
Kole is the next hero. She was a teen titan in the 1980s. Power is to turn her body into a crystal structure. Also, she was in the 2000s show. Her non-romantic partner in this movie is Gnarrk, who holds her while in crystalline form. Lives in Finland in an underground forest that has unusual artifacts. Unfortunately, comics Kole died in Crisis on Infinite Earths. But this flick isn't CoIE, so she won't get killed by the Brotherhood of Evil. Crystal forms are a boomerang, shield and other weapons against opponents. My casting for Kole is G Hannelius. Hannelius would be 20 years old when the film releases. Hannelius is an average actress. Like Kole, she is short. I think she is a good choice for Kole. This is because she is cute, not hot like Kole is. Costume is the same as her cartoon one. Like I said, her powers are crystal body powers. Special effects will be the same ones used for Emma Frost during the flick "X-Men: First Class". Thus she will be a very good heroine to see.
Gnarrk is my next character. He is a good guy. Backstory is that he is a caveman who is friends with Kole and lives with her. Together they form an action duo. Caveman powers are strength and using his ally Kole as a weapon in crystal form. During his time as an honorary Titan, he will prove to be a huge asset. My casting for Gnarrk is Callan McAuliffe. McAuliffe would be 24 years old when this film releases. McAuliffe is an average actor. I see him as Gnarrk because of his caveman hairstyle. This guy is from Australia in real life. Before any of you blame him for the film "I am Number Four" failure, remember that it was a team failure, not actor failure. This movie has good production, so McAuliffe will be forgiven for any transgressions in I am Number Four. Gnarrk says only one word "Gnarrk" and changes his tone to emphasize what he means. Costume is a caveman strap outfit. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Bushido is the next hero. He is a Japanese superhero that follows the bushido code. 2000s show had him briefly. Comics version was killed by Superboy- Prime. Wow, Superboy- Prime sure kills a lot of heroes. Japanese attributes will help the movie do well with the Japanese and Japanophiles. Carries a sword with him when he fights villains. My casting for Bushido is Kaito Nakamura. Nakamura would be 21 years old when the film releases. Nakamura is a good actor. Resume includes acting in a ninja flick, which if anything is harder than a superhero flick because of the strenuous training involved. Plus, this boy is actually from Japan so he'll be great. He has the body type to play this character on screen. Joins Titans to help the world fight evil. Although he is a resident of Japan, he still has a second duty to the Teen Titans. Costume is a blue and white one similar to what he wore on the TV show. Fake sword will be used during filming Teen Titans V. Contacts the Teen Titans in case he is being attacked by an enemy. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Herald is my next hero. This is the character that was the first black Titan and was introduced during the 70s. But he has maintained a young composure throughout comics. Has taken on many names throught his career. In this movie, he is just the Herald version. Powers are blowing his horn to create a portal to places. Won the horn through a wrestling match with an angel. Costume is a blue hoodie like outfit. My casting for Herald is Jaden Harmon. Harmon would be 19 years old when the film releases. Harmon is an average actor. Lives in a heavily black area of a city. With his African American pals, he is in a band that helps charities in the mean time. Is a cool Titan. Joins the Teen Titans to fight for justice. With his powers, he can transport many people through the portal. As of now, he is friends with some of the Titans. Hanging out with them has made him a stronger person outside his hero persona. Please leave a comment if you like the casting in the comments below.
Red Star is the next Titan. He is from Russia in this film. Red Star is a really strong soldier and can survive radiation that would normally kill humans. However, he has a fear of someday dying from the radiation he encounters. Joins the Titans because he is a teen hero. Comics version was a Soviet hero, but since the Soviet Union fell, we can't use that country. You may recognize him from the 2000s TV show. Fast fact says that he was originally called Starfire before the green eyed alien took the name. In addition, he rejoined the team in the 1990s. My casting for Red Star is Danila Krasavin. Krasavin would be 25 years old when the film releases. Krasavin is a good actor. He acts in dramas. I think he is well suited actor as he has the Russian accent. Like I said, he is a badass teen. Costume is a green outfit with a large star on it and a Russian hat. Special effects will make the fake radiation look real. Overall, this character will look cool on screen.
Risk is my next character. He is a US born Titan that was on a 1990s team. Powers are 10 time normal human strength and speed. While this sounds like Deathstroke, he emerged into a brave guy. So it will be cool to see his powers on screen. Joins the Titans since he wants to do good. Robin gives him a Titans communicator to keep in touch with the main team. Sadly, Risk has never been animated before. But this movie will change all that. You will enjoy him. My casting for Risk is Thomas Rhett. Rhett would be 29 years old when this film releases. Rhett is a newbie. Some of you reading this may know him as a country artist, where he acts in his music videos. But I think he can act in this flick as well. Part of the reason I said this is because Rhett looks like Risk does. Another reason that I said this is because Rhett has the body type of Risk. Thus, we can fit him into the teen titans roster. Costume is the same as comics version. Special effects will make his strength and speed appear above normal. Develops a friendship with Cyborg in the flick. Both of them like to watch sports, such as American football. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Joker's daughter is the next honorary Titan in the flick. She has many origins in the comics. Here she'll be an admirer of the Joker's tactics, but strive to do good. Unlike the Joker, she fights for justice. Weird appearance turns people away in- universe, but she has fans in real life.So she needs to be played well. Joining the Teen Titans is a big step for her. My casting for Joker's Daughter is Kennedy Brice. Brice would be 15 years old when the film releases. Brice is a good actress. We need someone of her age to play an inquisitive heroine. You may recognize from the Walking Dead. There she played Molly for her role. Robin trusts her on his team. In some cases she acts silly, but overall she is an asset to the titans. Costume is a purple jacket over a green and black t-shirt and her hair is dyed partially green. Weapons include a trick gun, weaponized pie and large mallet. All these weapons make her a formidable girl. Please leave a comment if you like the casting in the comments below.
Red X is my next hero. He only appeared in the show. But he became an ensemble darkhorse in his episodes. Many people thought he was cool. Some wanted to know who he was. Was he Jason Todd, the first ever Ravager etc. Two episodes were his character defining moments. Red X as the non- Robin appeared in the episode where Professor Chang was revealed to be a villain and in the episode with the care race. My casting for Red X is Connor Jessup. Jessup would be 25 years old when the film releases. Jessup is a good actor. Reason I put the guy playing Robin as Red X is because there is the mythology gag of Robin and Red X having the same voice actor. However, Red X is the definitive anti hero in the flick who happens to fight for good. Previous history was as a thief. VMMV is that he is a dark hero like the caped crusader who mentored Robin. Joins Titans because he realizes the moral value of saving the world. Beast Boy wants to know who he is. Not going to tell you if he reveals his identity to Beast Boy for now, but maybe I will in a later post. Costume is a black outfit with a red x on front and a gray skull like mask. Weapons are similar to Robin's weapons in that you need to be technologically adept to use them. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Bombshell is my next Titan. She has cool powers. If radiation comes near her, she can store it and then generate it from her body. Plus, she is Captain Atom's sidekick.Costume is a black tank top and jeans over her metal coating. Real name is Amy Allen. Sadly the comics version was a traitor and scrappy. However, this version will not betray the team to the brotherhood of evil. You have my word. Next, she will have these cool powers during any fight scenes. My casting for Bombshell is Tara Emad. Emad would be 26 years old when the film releases. Emad is an average actress. She is born in Egypt, which gives Teen Titans V more people of color. Steel plating will be over her. Joins the Titans to fight injustice. Her character lives in an Australian location. Effects will be CGI to make her blasts look realistic in nature.
The Brain is my first villain. He is the primary antagonist of the flick. Even though he is a head in a jar, he is not to be underestimated by the heroes. Over the course of his lifetime, he has amassed a network of deadly contacts to help him carry out the brotherhood's plans. Travels through gliding along the floor and his brain container flashes different colors. Any time he's happy, upset, sad etc, his container will flash an appropriate color. We know he won't have a live action actor for most of his scenes. My casting for The Brain is Kevin Spacey. Spacey would be 60 years old when the film releases. Spacey is a good actor. Last person to play the Brain on Teen Titans died a few years ago; let's hope Spacey doesn't die. Of course, he will be voice acting for the most part. For those who think he didn't do good as Lex Luthor, please note that there are others who think he did well. The only time he won't be voice acting is in the Brian's origin. Flick has changed the Brain's origin from being from France to being from Boston. People will be more likely to support an American born character in this movie because of population size. His best friend is Monsieur Mallah. Is the latest leader of the ancient brotherhood of evil. With his contacts, he can fight any hero in the DC universe through proxy. Originally, he fought the Doom Patrol. But he soon realizes that he should take out the Teen Titans to prevent the new from opposing him in the future. Please let me know if you like this choice in the comments below.
Monsieur Mallah is my next bad guy. He is a maniac gorilla. Since he's very large and smart, he is known as a genius bruiser. Comics version was a communist, anarachist gun toter. I won't get into politics in this flick, so the communist, anarchist part doesn't exist. He is Brain's best friend and helped him get Madame Rouge and General Immortus in his legion of evil. Often you will see him playing games of chess with the Brain. My casting for Monsieur Mallah is Alexandre Gillet. Gillet would be 52 years old when the film releases. Gillet is a good actor. Because of his talents as a French voice actor, he can pull off Monsieur Mallah's accent well. You will be listening to an actual Frenchman talking. For this movie, we can make the CGI generated gorilla. His lips will be moving when he talks to his enemies or friends. No homosexuality will occur with him and the Brain. With the Brain, he plans out how to triumph over the heroes. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Madame Rouge is my next villain. She is a sly woman. You may recognize her from the 2000s TV show where she captured Robin, Wildebeest and Hot Spot. Her powers are elastic limbs, people changing and near immortality so watch out. Elongated Man already exists in my universe so the limbs are not going to be anything new. Comics version was a French woman who had bipolar disorder. But I won't make her a bipolar woman, since bipolar people are not inherently evil. To make her a better baddie, we will get rid of her bipolar head. Costume is a red sleeveless outfit identical to the TV show. My casting for Madam Rouge is Pauley Perrette. Perrette would be 50 years old when the film releases. Perrette is a good actress. You may recognize her from NCIS. This actress is smart like Rouge is. Plus, she definitely looks like Madame Rouge. Thus we need her for this flick. In the movie, she will be a member of the Brotherhood of Evil before they begin their recruitment drive. Upon finding out about the Titans' plans, she will help the Brotherhood capture a few of the Titans and bring them back to the base. Can the Teen Titans stop this crook? That's what the movie will answer.
General Immortus is my next Brotherhood member. He is definitely evil and has his own army. Obviously, he is immortal as his name suggests. We don't know where he was born based on the show. So his country of birth will not be shown. Throughout history he has helped evil people fight good people. Over his lifespan he has fought with cavemen, the Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Babylonians, Romans, Mayans, Vikings, knights, Arabs, Japanese, Aboriginals, Aztecs, Mongols, Spanish, British, American Confederacy, Japanese, Nazis, Soviets and Al-Qaeda. This proves his mettle in leading. His appearance is decrepit, but he is smart. My casting for General Immortus is John Gavin. Gavin would be 88 years old when the film releases. Gavin is a good actor. Certainly, his age can help him look the part of General Immortus, so that's a pro. Army is not as old as their grand master Immortus is. But they have cool guns which take two hands to hold. No stormtrooper aim is in the Immortus army, you have my word. Costume is similar to his TV show one. In the movie, he will have been a founding member of the Brotherhood of Evil. Already, the Brotherhood has his army. Now imagine how much more powerful the Brotherhood will be with the super villains they found. Exactly why the main Titans need to team up with their honorary Titan friends. I will inform you that General Immortus and his forces do battle with one of the Teen Titans. Please let know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Wintergreen is Slade's ex butler and a villain in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Puppet King is a puppet genius in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Mammoth is a super powered villain in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Jinx is a pink haired magic girl in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Gizmo is a tech midget genius in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Steamroller is a cybernetic villain in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Katarou is a kung fu master in the brotherhood of evil. See other casts for character info.
Billy Numerous is my next villain. He is a self cloning guy. You probably saw him if you watched his solo episode in the 2000s cartoon show. There he and his clones were able to defeat the titans. Only when Cyborg used holograms did Billy lose. So this boy is a tough enemy. On screen, his powers will look cool. We will use cloning special effects to get him to appear that way. No previous HIVE affiliation will be mentioned in this flick. In the TV show he was part of the HIVE 5, but in the movie he is not in the HIVE. Get used to the change, you will thank me. Our movie won't make him have a high voice. My casting for Billy Numerous is Troy Gentile. Gentile would 26 years old when the film relases. Gentile is a good actor. You may recognize him from "The Goldbergs" sitcom. He is the best The Goldbergs character because of his humor. Fuck Mrs. Goldberg, since Barry, who Gentile plays is the real star. Now on to the other important stuff. Costume will be slightly different from his cartoon one. Instead of looking like Wally West justice league flash costume, we will alter his appearance somewhat. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil since he likes to do evil activities. Don't let his feeble appearance fool you. Because his cloning powers are great, he is sent to defeat some Teen Titans with another member. You guys will like Billy Numerous' character a lot. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Psimon is my next character. This dude is smart and has psionic powers. Body horror has resulted in him having a brain on top of his head. Comics version was a manipulative bastard. This guy manipulated Dr. Light's villainous group to serve Trigon and his goals. Quickly he took command of the Fearsome Five from Light. But if you know what horrendous crimes Dr. Light did, you can sympathize with Psimon becoming the leader instead. But Psimon backstabbed Trigon, so Trigon punished him. Made appearances in Teen Titans and Young Justice shows. Young Justice version was a horror film villain.It's up to you to decide if you liked that version or not. My casting for Psimon is David Duchovny. Duchovny would be 59 years old when the film releases. Duchovny is a good actor. He is smart in real life and Psimon is smart as well. Previous work experience is on the X- Files, so playing a grotesque metahuman will be familiar territory. In the comics, Psimon was older than the teens and Duchovny is too. Psionic powers are strong. Costume will be Psimon's regular costume with a fake brain on top. Even if it's grotesque, it's still accurate to the character. Special effects will show his psionic blasts. Joins the brotherhood of evil to continue his evil actions against humanity. Many of his friends, like Gizmo and Adonis, are in the team.
Cinderblock is my next villain. He is a lumbering mass of cinderblocks who functions as dumb muscle. This dude is an original character for the TV series. Super strong, but in his first episode, he held Starfire just in time for Starfire to say that's she stronger than she looks and then kick him to the floor. Most of his appearances were working for Slade. In the show he din't talk, but in the movie he will talk. Later in the show he joined the brotherhood but was frozen at the end. Sometime in the 2000s he joined the comics. My casting for Cinderblock is Armie Hammer. Hammer would be 33 years old when the film releases. Hammer is a good actor. One of his action roles was in the well received flop Man from UNCLE, a thriller. While I didn't see the film, I know that his role was very athletic in nature. Plus, he's friends with Johnny Depp and maybe he can get Depp to join my DCCU in near future. What makes him a good choice is his 6' 5" height so he's tall like Cinderblock is. Costume is sort of like Cinderblock on TV, except for having an eye opening. Next his cinderblocks will be of a ssofter material during filming. Powers of Cinderblock make him a formidable guy. Joins the brotherhood because they paid him. After all, Cinderblock needs some money for his home. On the Brotherhood ov Evil roster, he is one of the tallest members. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Adonis is the next character. This guy was in the TV show and wore an Iron Man like costume when fighting. Didn't have many appearances. In his most notable appearance, he fought Beast Boy as a werewolf like creature after both had chemicals spilled on them. Even though the chemicals made Beast Boy angrier, he was still able to defeat Adonis in the episode. Trait is that Adonis is cocky. I don't believe that Adonis was in the comics as of this date. We need to make Adonis look cool in our movie a well. Here's how we'll do it.My casting for Adonis is Tahmoh Penikett. Peniket would be 44 years old when the film releases. Penikett is an average actor. You may recognize him from Supernatural, a CW show. On the web, people say he's cocky and Adonis is that trait. So I believe he can play Adonis well. Joins the Brotherhood because they're selfish like him. With his costume, he can aid the group's efforts. Costume can take on multiple titans at once. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Trident is my next character. He is an enemy of Aqualad. Different versions of Trident have appeared in both publications and media. Comics version was a scuba diver. TV version was a beast that cloned himself. Both were feisty. However, I'll use the comics version since I thought the cartoon version was an unnecessary deviation from something already good. In the 2000s TV show, he fought Aqualad, who had to seek help from the main Titans in defeating this guy. Beast Boy then tricked Trident into fighting his clones to defeat the supervillain. Like I said Trident in the Teen Titans VI movie will be a scuba guy. Costume will be the same as his comics one. My casting for Trident is Prahlad Kakkar. Kakkar would be 69 years old when the film releases. Kakkar can scuba dive. He is from India. His scuba diving expertise will come in handy. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil since they promise to help expand his thievery operations. Sea knowledge comes in handy. It makes him an operative that can take down Aqualad. Overall, Trident has skills that can help the group.
Johnny Rancid is my next character. Rancid is a motor biker that creates mecha creatures. He is an original show character. Black hair and young face are his traits. In the show, he created a mecha T-Rex, but got eaten by one of Killer Moth's moths. He came back out though and joined the brotherhood in the show. Motor bike skills are very good. Costume is a black tank top and very long pants. Virtue is that he is reckless and doesn't give a damn about what the heroes do to him. My casting for Johnny is Maverick Vinales. Vinales would be 24 years old when the film releases. Vinales is a motorbike rider, but not an actor. In this case, casting a non- actor works because he knows the field of motorbike racing well. Vinales has black hair, like Johnny. On his motorbike will be the word Rancid. In the real world, he won the 2013 Moto3 World Championship which shows his prowess. Joins the brotherhood because he has low morals. He participates in their scheme to destroy the titans. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Mumbo is my next villain. He is a magician without a last name. Like normal stage magicians, he wears a top hat and formal wear. While he was green skinned in the show, he has a human skin color in the flick. Our movie version will be cool. This version will capture one of the teen titans. Appearances in the TV show were sparse. I think his crowning moment of awesome was when he sucked all the main Titans into a hat and made them perform magic tricks. Episode was funny. Costume is the same as his TV show one. Now he will use special effects for his magic. My filming crew will use good special effects. My casting for Mumbo is Lee Pace. Pace would be 40 years old when the film releases. Pace is an average actor. You may recognize him as Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy. But his character died so he has the chance to play Mumbo. I chose him since he is good with magic media, as evidenced by his role in Chasing Daisies, the TV show. Magic knowledge is important to Mumbo's character. So now onto his movie role. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil since he is a corrupt magician who wants aid. Titans have faced him before in this universe and beat him. Now he thinks he can beat the heroes with the brotherhood help. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Kyd Wykkyd is my next character. He is a mute and dark clothed guy. Meme is that he never speaks despite being in the HIVE five or HIVE six. Red eyes is another feature. Costume is like Batman's but without armor. He also broods. Powers are teleportation with his body. Very dark in nature in contrast to the light hearted members like Gizmo, Jinx and See-More. Real name is unknown. My casting for Kyd Wykkyd is Tay Zonday. Zonday would be 37 years old when the film releases. Zonday is an average actor. Though he is famous for Chocolate Rain, the song, he has other attributes that are cool. Wrote this song by himself. Something which could help him play this role is that he was selectively mute like Kyd. Having someone who was mute will help with the filming. Note that while the actor seems old, we don't know Kyd Wykkyd's actual age. So this is all fair. Joins the brotherhood since after being at the HIVE academy, it makes sense for him. Time at HIVE academy helps him with crime. Be very afraid of him since he has powers that are tough. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Angel is my next villain. She is a former HIVE academy student who left once Cyborg destroyed the academy. Name comes from her wings, not her personality itself. Please note that it is not the Warren who calls himself Angel from Marvel comics. Costume is a red mask and she has angelic wings. Special effects will use CGI wings. Powers include flight and wrapping someone in her wings to catch them. Appeared for less than 50 seconds in an episode. There she almost caught Bumblebee, but lost her. Later this would haunt her as miss Bumblebee would thwart the brotherhood of evil's plans. My casting for Angel is Mandalynn Carson. Carson would be 20 years old when the film releases. Carson is a good actress. Since Angel is obviously an American actress, Carson can play her. Mask will cover most of her face. Joins brotherhood to expand on her training at HIVE. She dislikes Cyborg for destroying the HIVE school. Flying powers and wings make her an easy hunter which is certainly an asset to the group.
Warp is my next character. He is the Brotherhood of Evil member from the future. Comics version was a member in the 1980s. With his teammates, he would commit dastardly acts. In the Tv show, he was a time traveler who defeated the titans. But the Teen Titans got back together and kicked his ass in the future period. He has a killer stache. Costume is a yellow armored outfit. Wasp can teleport to other places. My casting for Warp is Giovanni Ribisi. Ribisi would be 45 years old when the film relases. Ribisi is a good actor. You may recognize him from Avatar, the 2009 sci-fi work. He played a guy in future setting in that topselling movie and I think he'll be good as Warp. Like Warp, he has a killer stache. In addition to his powers, Warp is smart and can figure out his opponents' weaknesses easily. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil for the cash. He will participate in the brotherhood's hunting of the heroes. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Phobia is my next villain. She is a villain that induces fear. Unlike Scarecrow from Batman media, she doesn't need any needles or gas; her powers are right there. Comics version was a brotherhood member that fought both the Titans and Doom Patrol. As a formidable foe, she is not too be taken lightly. Costume is a green outfit. I think she is a good foe for this flick. My casting for Phobia is Alex Sgambati. Sgambati would be 29 years old when the film releases. Sgambati is a good actress. Like Phobia, she has brown hair. Ignore trying to pronounce that name. Many of the Teen Titans have known weaknesses and fears she can exploit. Beware her wrath. Joins the brotherhood because she has worked with them before. On the Brotherhood of Evil, she acts as a psychological weapon. Clearly, she can help them defeat the heroes.
Punk Rocket is my next villain. He is a guitarist who uses his guitar as a sound weapon. Never appeared in the regular DC comics. So he is a canon original for the TV show. One episode that he appeared in is lost . There he attacked a concert and could fight the main Titans easily. Beast Boy ended up beating the crook. Hair is like most punk rockers. Costume is an orange sleeveless outfit. No powers of his own, but his guitar is a powerful tool he can fly with. When he strums the guitar, he releases an extremely powerful sound wave that disorients enemies. My casting for Punk Rocket is Lee Malia.Malia would be 35 years old when the film releases. Malia is an average actor. But he is more renowned as the guitarist of Bring Me the Horizon, a punk band. His punk background helps with this role. Young face is a con, but he has guitaring experience that will help him succeed in this position. His being a Bring Me the Horizon member will help bring in Bring Me the Horizon fans to watch the flick. This dude will be a good addition to the movie because of his skills. Accent of Punk Rocket in the show was cool. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to get more tools for his crime career. Can be an on-the-ground man for the group. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Atlas is my next villain. This guy is a badass robot with super endurance and combat skills. Original to the show as he never appeared in the comics before. Episode where he was the villain was when he easily beat Cyborg in a fighting match. Cyborg, however, then managed to get his strength levels past 100% and threw him down. In a final diss, he said to Atlas that Cyborg's not a better robot, but a better person. Very stealthy as a combatant for evil forces. Costume is a red and yellow metallic coating. My casting for Atlas is Keith David. David would be 63 years old when the film releases. David is a good actor. Voice work is his specialty and he'll be voicing him in the flick. In addition, he played Atlas in the 2000s show. Choosing him is a good idea. Since Atlas is too expensive to have a guy portray accurately in real life, we should have Atlas be voice acted. Such an idea is good. Deep voice is one of his attributes. Usually a loner in the crime world as he is powerful enough to take on heroes by himself. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil because it seems like fun to him. He provides muscle. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Andre Leblanc is my next villain. LeBlanc is an ineffectual sympathetic villain. Appeared in comics in the 20th century. He is from France. Operates as a robber who's not physically strong. Show had him appear a few times, but he wasn't tough. Heroes would easily defeat him. Bad luck. Costume is a white longs sleeved shirt and pants. My casting for Andre Leblanc is Max Boublil. Boublil would be 40 years old when the film releases. Boublil is an average actor. We need someone comedic to play him. Of course, he's from France. Very important to get a French man for this role. Now he will be slick in this role since he is renowened in European comedy. Joined the brotherhood since LeBlanc's membership would help him further with his plans . He can serve as distraction while a stronger member captures the target. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Control Freak is my next villain. He is a nerd who studies the titans' every move. Original character to the show. In his appearances, he took control of the TV programming in one episode and took the Titans East to a challenge in the next episode. Lost both times to the good guys.While he's fat, he still is smart. One of his weapons is a projector that projects film villains to his adversary in battle. Costume is a gray shirt, black jacket and brown pants. My casting for Control Freak is Jack Black. Black would be 50 years old when the film releases. Black is an average actor. You may recognize Jack Black from his role in the movie School of Rock. Many people on the internet have said he should play this guy. I agree with them. Please ignore his Green Lantern parody since that was a joke and I don't know if it would have been better than the Reynolds flick as Hal Jordan. Name of the villain comes from him being a Tv addict who uses the remote control a lot. He will be a funny guy. Plus, he will help with Ding Dong Daddy's plan to steal one of the Titans' possessions in the middle. Joins the brotherhood to be taken more seriously. They give him support. Please let me know if you like this casting in the comments below.
I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. is my next villain. He is a head in a gray sphere with legs. Not very important in the TV show. However I think his powers are cool. Powers are to retract people with his robotic limb. Very great powers when you think of it. Original character to the show. There he helped Steamroller capture Thunder (in my opinion, it was a waste of Steamroller's abilities since he's cooler than I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.OR.).Costume is basically his body. My casting for I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. is Cayden Boyd. Boyd would be 25 years old when the film releases. Boyd is an average actor. The irony of this casting is that Boyd's enemy in Sharkboy and Lavagirl had a design similar to I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. in the movie, but I digress. Boyd can easily play a HIVE academy student. When you see him, you will be amazed. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to further his training. He knows Billy Numerous and Private HIVE. Once in the group, he helps them fight the Titans.
Wrestling Star is my next character. He's a wrestling themed villain. Was original to the show. This dude wrestles his power. Didn't have a voice actor, but in my movie he'll have a chance to say stuff. Costume is a red outfit. My casting for Wrestling Star is Andrew Everett. Everett would be 25 years old when the film releases. Everett is a bad actor. But he is a wrestler and the crew needs a wrestling pro for his role. Won the PWG tag team championship once. So he's good at the sport. As a member, he will socialize with the Brain. Going to be a cool member of the Brotherhood of Evil and kick ass in battle. He joins the Brotherhood of Evil to further his evil training. Wrestling skills make him a formidable villain. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Kitten is my next villain. She is a bratty blonde who has issues with Robin. Original character to the show. Killer Moth is her father. Thus, that makes her Kitten Walker (because Killer Moth's real name is Drury Walker). One main episode in the 2000s show. There she forced Robin to take her to junior prom or her father would activate a moth army on Jump City. Main Titans eventually found that the activation device was on her corsage. We won't use Killer Moth in this film because of costs and Moth's status as a joke character. So we'll use a more relatable teen instead. Costume is a pink prom dress. My casting for Kitten is Taylor Momsen. Momsen would be 26 years old when the film releases. Momsen is a good actor. She has played a teenager before. Is evil because of her father, who has lost to Batman. Used to have a crush on Robin in the movie universe, which she mentions. Unfortunately Starfire came between her and Robin. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil because she wants to lash out at Robin. Very familiar with some of the group's members. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Fang is my next character. He is an emo with spider legs. Original to the 2000s show and never appeared in DC comics before. In the show he was Kitten's boyfriend, but that relationship soured. Rivalry with Robin. Special effects will be used for his legs. Costume is a white T-shirt, black jacket and blue jeans. My casting for Fang is Ryan Potter. Potter would be 24 years old when the film releases. Potter is a good actor. He can play serious roles. You may recognize him as Hiro's voice from Big Hero 6. Goth apparel will be evident. On his shirt will be a picture of Blood on the Dance Floor to relate him to real life villain Dahvie Vanity. Not too powerful, but has a trick up his sleeve. Powers are walking on spider legs and shooting a sticky substance from himself. Though he's street level, he is still a meta human. Joins the brotherhood since he wants to be taken more seriously as a villain. Fights with the BOE when they intitate their attack on individual titans.
Mad Mod is my next villain. He is an evil Brit who uses mind control against American enemies. Was a character in both the comics and TV shows. He appeared in late 60s comics, hence why he likes the Rolling Stones. Pretty much a bad guy, until he switched to good in the run where Atom lead the team. Red hair with a scepter that gives him the illusion of youth. In the show, had two episodes where he put the Teen Titans in detention and when he took over America on July 4th. Latter episode was the one I liked more. Costume is a British flag shirt. My casting for Mad Mod is Mike Myers. Myers would be 56 years old when the film releases. Myers is a good actor. He played a similar character as Austin Powers. Sadly, his peak ended with the film The Love Guru. But we can should realize that the film failure was a team effort.That said he would be a good Mad Mod. Joins the brotherhood of evil to improve his global reach. He is respected by his group members. Please let me know if you like this choice in the comments below.
Malchior is my next villain. He is a wizard that became a dragon. Original to the show where he betrayed Raven. Purple colored one at that. But he appears to have been based on magical fiction villains similar to D&D and other tabletop games. Yes, he breathes fire. In the show, he appeared as a nice mummy, but revealed his true self. Next he had a curb stomp battle against the other four Titans and was only defeated through Raven exerting herself. Costume is no clothes. My casting for Malchior is James Horan. Horan would be 65 years old when the film releases. Horan is an average actor. You may recognize his voice acting from "The Hobbit" video game as Smaug, the dragon. Previous voice acting in DC games as well. I didn't choose Benedict Cumberbatch since it would be a waste of his talent to have him just voice act. Special effects will make a CGI dragon without motion- capture. Very powerful dragon as he can fight with his tail and breathe fire. Be prepared for his arrival. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to spite the Teen Titans. He has faced them a few times in my DCCU. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Ding Dong Daddy is my next villain of the flick. He is an evil car driver who ran criminal rings. Appeared in the comics and TV show. Comics version was a drug dealer who fought the team when it had Aqualad and Roy Harper as main members. One feature of him is a kickass beard. Had no powers, so he relies on his car's weapons. Costume is a white shirt that has 3 Ds southeast of each other. My casting for Ding Dong Daddy is Frank Pando. Pando would be 48 years old when the film releases. Pando is an average actor. He has a kickass beard like Ding Dong Daddy. In addition, he was a star of the Sopranos, like the guy who played Robin's uncle. Car will have better effects than the one in Herbie: Fully Reloaded film. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to help them defeat the Titans easily. His movie skills will show how effective he is. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
See- More is my next villain. He is a black boy with eye powers. Original to the show since the comics couldn't come up with him. He appeared as a HIVE 5 member in 2 episodes. I thought he was one of my favorite villains in the 2000s TV show. This dude had a chill attitude in the cartoon. Kevin Michael Richardson, who is amazing, voiced him in the cartoon. Costume is a green outfit with a giant eye on top of the head as well as mini fake eyes he throws at enemies. My casting for See-More is Corde Broadus. Broadus would be 25 years old when the film releases. Broadus is a stoned actor. You may recognize him as Snoop Dogg's son. Reason is that Snoop Dogg is the epitome of cool. The rapper will be in my Black Lightning film as one of Black Lightning's friends. Corde has little hair like See-More. Snoop Dogg once said that Game of Thrones teaches him history- fun fact to know. Now the special effects. We will design a lightweight eye for See-More and give him toy eyes to throw. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil due to peer pressure. Friends like Billy Numerous, Jinx and Mammoth make him a familiar pal. With his powers, he can fight an opponent easily and is sent to capture one of the heroes. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Private Hive is my next character. He is a yellow costumed guy with the HIVE symbol on his outfit. Original to the show, although he is a captain Ersatz of the Guardian Jim Harper. But he had little appearances on the show. First episode he laughed at the Titans when they were wearing Mother May-Eye's clothes and second episode he was possessed by Jericho and hit himself many times. Costume is yellow outfit with H logo of HIVE on it.My casting for Private HIVE is find Samuel Garland. Garland would be 21 years old when the film releases. Garland is an average actor. He has acted in horror flicks, which shows he has a bent for serious works. Plus, his southern accent like Private will help him portray the villain well. He throws the shield when he needs to use it a s a projectile against Titans. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to get revenge on Cyborg who destroyed the HIE academy. He is pissed at Cyborg for defeating Brother Blood. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Cheshire is my next villain. She is an Asian born assassin. She has a complex history with the Teen Titans. In the comics, she was in an assassin in the League of Assassins. Comics version had a baby with Roy Harper. TV show version did not give her any dialogue. Playing off her comic history she captured Speedy in the hunt. Powers are none, but she has ninja like skills. Also she is a Draco in leather pants. Costume is a green kimono and a cat mask. My casting for Cheshire is Julie Ann San Jose. Jose would be 25 years old when the film releases. Jose is a bad actress. However, she has martial arts skills that would definitely help her play this role. Cat mask conceals her identity from strangers. Joins the Brotherhood of Evil to further her crime career. I believe her experience can help her fight heroes. Please let me know if you like this choice in the comments below.
Mento is my next character. He is a Doom Patrol member with psionic abilities & telekinetic waves. This dude is a successful superhero. Comics story arc had him deal with how to a better person. Even though he lost his team and became crazy, he eventually went back to the heroics business. So he deserves an award for courage. You should be a fan of him too. Powers are psionic nature, empathy, telekinesis, telepathy, telekinetic shields and force-fields telekinetic blasts, mind control, telekinetic waves, clairvoyance, intangibility and expert leadership skills. Costume is a purple shirt, black jacket and black pants. My casting for Mento is Joaquin Phoenix. Phoenix would be 45 years old when the film releases. Phoenix is a good actor. Born is Puerto Rico, he has amassed many acting credits. This guy can definitely play Mento. He has the seriousness to play this role. Doom Patrol relies on him to function in battle. But he gets kidnapped by the Brotherhood of Evil in the film. Luckily, Beast Boy and the main Titans will save him. In a heartwarming moment, he thanks his protégé for the help and wishes him good luck. To him, Beast Boy is a non blood relative who aids the team. Please let me
know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Niles Caulder is my next character. He is the leader of the Doom Patrol. Professor X, who I have utmost respect for, is based off of Niles, as in their wheelchairs and leading superhero misfits. Has a badass beard. Niles can control his own wheelchair. Comics version is a handicapped badass, who has much power. I ignore the run where it was revealed Niles was a villain. 2000s TV show didn't have him, but Batman: The Brave and the Bold did. Sadly, I didn't watch that episode, but I read that he had a flying chair. Costume is formal clothes. My casting for Niles Caulder is Ewan McGregor. McGregor would be 48 years old when the film releases. McGregor is a good actor. You may recognize him from the Star Wars prequels where he was Obi- Wan. My filming crew will make him wear his Obi- Wan beard. He even looks like Niles in the comics. So he will make a fun Niles Caulder when shooting Teen Titans V. Role in the movie will be him approaching Beast Boy at the tower. Next he explains that the other Doom Patrol members are captured and Beast Boy can help with their rescue. Beast Boy is one of his favorite protégés. Of course, Beast Boy and the main Titans will help. Later scene will involve him as well. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
Elastigirl is my next character. She is a Doom Patrol member who can grow in size. Has brown hair and likes Mento. Rivalry exists with the Brotherhood of Evil. Call her Elasti-rita in the movie. Thinks of Beast Boy as a relative who she found after his parents and BB parted ways. Comics version was a founding member and appeared to have died when the brotherhood exploded and island they were on. But she later came back to the DCU. 2000s TV show version was cool and had a nice voice. She participated in the opening two episodes of season five. Costume is a black jacket, purple T-shirt and black skirt. My casting for Elastigirl is Nikki Reed. Reed would be 31 years old when the film releases. Reed is an average actress. Has brown hair and is likely caring, like Elastigirl is. So I chose her. Founding member of the Doom Patrol in my DCCU. However, she gets captured by the brotherhood in the flick. Main Titans save her team and she calls Beast Boy Garfield. This prompts Beast Boy to later tell Raven his origin. Overall, she will be badass.
Negative Man is my next hero. He is a hero who has a soul self that can traverse out of his body. Not too many appearances in the comics and cartoons. Comics version was an ex- pilot of Irish descent who got his powers through a galaxy anomaly. Usually he was depressed but he helped the team on various occasions. TV show version was a guy with a mummy face. He got trapped, but eventually came back to help his team and the Teen titans defeat the brotherhood at their base. So he has the cool power of getting his soul self to exit body. Costume is purple shirt, black jacket and black pants. My casting for Negative Man is Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Meyers would be 42 years old when the film releases. Meyers is a good actor. Because he was born in Ireland, he will fit into Negative Man's Irish heritage. Mummy bandages will cover his face. He is the smart guy in the Doom Patrol as he has a pilot's license to fly. Joins the Doom Patrol because they were kind to him. Powers help him get out of sticky situations in life. Thus, he is a good character in the flick.
Robot Man is my final hero. He is a robotic member of the Doom Patrol. Orange parts define this great guy. Was created in the early 1980s in my movie to fit into my timeline. Both the comics and TV version have been good. Robot Man was a vital member of 60s comics. He later resurfaced to help the Titans vanquish Madame Rouge and General Zahl. TV show version was a good guy as well. Critics have noted that he serves as commentary for what Cyborg could become if he had too much angst. Very family friendly. Costume is none since he's a robot person. My casting for Robot Man is Fred Tatasciore.Tatasciore would be 52 years old when the film releases. Tatasciore is a good actor. He mostly voice acts. I believe that he has a strong, firm voice to voice act Robot Man. In my film, the character will be CGI and voice acted by Tatasciore in an appropriate manner. Joins the Doom Patrol because he cares about the world and wants to help other people. This guy is a childhood friend of Beast Boy. Later appears in an undisclosed scene. Please let me know if you like the choice in the comments below.
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