
Aug 4, 2015

Filming of the Fourth Film. This page talks about how the fourth movie will be filmed. Our first technique is the fire made by Brother Blood at HIVE academy. It will be a bluish bonfire. Villains' special effects is another thing. Gizmo's machines will be custom built and Jinx will use purple colored throwing effects for her actions. Debris will be using plaster chips. Blueprints of Cyborg will look like regular blueprints for a robot. Yet Blood will be intently studying them. Intro for each Titans East member will be done coolly. Crew will use the same effects that the Key & Peele football sketch used. Swords and gun will draw fake blood. When Brother Blood or his first ancestor kills someone, it will be done with the fake blood.Burning construction site will be filmed with special effects. Havoc to equipment, burning wreckimg ball and oil will all be there. Special effects of Aqualad will make his water bend. Water will be made to look like Aqualad can actually control or bend water. Kid Flash and Mas y Menos have other effects. Fast speed will be done with the special effects used in the current Flash show on CW. Steamroller's effects will be cool. He will have tubes attached to him during the filming of him hacking into Titans East tower.  Effects of Blood will use his hands and red eyes of his victims. Once the villain sees his target he will assert his mind control over them. Next comes Brother Blood and his ability to see Cyborg's power battery. His technology will be similar to Spy Kids type and thus allow him to see how much battery Cyborg has left. Plus, Steamroller is a behemoth himself. Costume will be similar to the show and will actually be built by the crew. Missile launching from Cyborg and Blood's outfit will be a controlled force. We will ensure that no one at the studio actually gets hurt by the projectiles upon firing. Other players at the park will be extras hired by us. They will know how to play American football. Hell scene will be done with special effects. Scene will look similar to video game scenes depicting hellish places. So this is the CGI and special effects used in the film.

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