
Nov 10, 2015

Filming of Teen Titans IV is discussed here. My page will talk about filming techniques for the flick. So my movie will look good once the techniques are done. First filming technique will be Slade fire effects. The fire will be done through special effects in his break into tower scene. Soul self of Raven traveling to Brazil to meet Raven's mom will also have effects. It will show Raven flying above the Earth to Azarath to speak with her mother. Jericho has a power that should be done through special effects unlike his sister's abilities. When he possesses someone, he will still be standing, but his eyes go green and the possessed person will say what he would say but can't. Bubble that shows Robin talking with Jericho and Ravager will be created through 21st century tech. Using the bubble, Robin can see the two speaking. Next Carom's powers will be through speed effects. Same effects used for Kid Flash and Mas y Menos will be used for him. Powerful Raven effects will be done through special effects that make her able to easily defeat both Katarou and Carom.  Soul self arm is done through effects that create a large black hand device to grab someone. Force field will be done through the same special effects done in Under the Dome, the TV show.Arella will install it before Trigon takes over. Weather in Serbia will be done through weather special effects. Gray sky will be created through our crew. The birthmarks on Raven will be done through temporary tattoos. Her birthmarks mean that Trigon, her father will come eventually to her world. Life being frozen in still motion and volcanoes popping up will be seen. Same effects used for ads still motion people will be used CGI will create volcanoes when Trigon takes over the world. Batarangs of Robin are designed in a special way. No batarang will be too explosive or too light. Demon servants are special effects generated and appear as fire people. Flames will be burning from them. Nega titans are the same actors for Beast Boy, Starfire and Cyborg. Any fighting scene in that durationwill involve the actors fighting the nega versions in front of the tower.  Slade's arsenal will have fake grenades and a sword. For when Deathstroke fights the guard, he needs these weapons. Teleportation of evil Raven will involve special effects used to move her below and above the ground. Moving like that will enable her to hold off the good Titans. Knife stabbing of evil Raven will be fake. No actual blood will be shed during the event. Psionic blasts of Trigon are CGI generated by our crew. The blasts will appear as red blasts coming from him. Life coming back after Trigon's defeat is done by sitcom type special effects. Overall, these are my filming techniques. Please let me know if you like the techniques in the comments below.

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