Sixth Movie Plot is discussed on this page. My Teen Titans VI will have a good plot. Beast Boy will have his origin revealed to the mainstream audience. In the flick, the Titans will face off against the Brotherhood of Evil. Since the brotherhood is large, the main Titans will need help from their honorary Titans to deal with them. Unfortunately, the brotherhood has a few tricks up its sleeve. Poor Titans will be dealt with by the Brain. Can the main Titans defeat this formidable enemy?
The opening of this will start with Beast Boy on his bed. He is playing on the Playstation Vita.You can see that all is going well. Suddenly, a visitor alert sounds. Main Titans wonder who it is. Robin calls out to BB and says it's for the green skinned kid. So Beast Boy goes down.
It is Niles Caulder, his ex- superhero team leader. Niles needs Beast Boy's help. He introduces himself as Beast Boy's former mentor to the main Titans. They are pleased to meet him. Next he then says he has bad news for BB. Doom Patrol was captured on a mission in Bangladesh to stop the brotherhood operations. Since Beast Boy is a former member, Niles asked for his help.Cyborg gets excited upon hearing that and says he read about the Doom Patrol in 2000s internet news sources. Robin says he'll help. Raven said she already knew he was in the Patrol, but is thankful to have now met Niles. Starfire says they'll take the mission. Luckily, Niles has figured out where the DP last were. With this tracking, they can now rescue them from the evil group. He then exits with his wheelchair and wishes them good luck. Quickly, the Titans get the T-jet.
Now they fly to Bangladesh and a visualization showing a plane over a map is there. They rummage through the rain forest. It is scary and dark. Lots of monkeys are above and a tiger noise is made in the distance. Starfire is worried since she doesn't have such animals on her planet. But she moves on with the team. More trees are ahead. However, Beast Boy hears the tracking signal getting louder, which means they're close. Finally, he comes across a base. They enter and find someon familiar to Beast Boy. Mento is there is shackles. Sadly he was captured. Raven removes the shackles. Next, BB asks where the rest of the Patrol is and Mento says in other rooms. Before they go to the other rooms, Mento explains that the Brain's next plans are troubling. Now he explains that a missile is in Brain's hands. They are planning on launching it today. Only with his help can they stop the Brotherhood of Evil from such a heinous task. He says that he misses Beast Boy. Quickly, the Titans free the other three Doom Patrol members. After the rescue, Beast Boy introduces the other Titan to Elasti-girl, Negative Man and Robot Man. Each are glad to meet the other. Mento doesn't know where the brotherhood is in the base, so they search. Negative Man talks to Raven who explain that she knows from Beast Boy that Negative Man likes Brazilian poetry like she does. He says thanks and says they can message each other about it. Elastigirl talks to Starfire and tells her that she has a nice face. The alien thanks her. Robot Man asks when Cyborg got his parts to which Cyborg answers 2014. In response, Robot Man says he got his parts in January 1984 and likes them. Group walks in the base. Very abruptly, lights come on and the Brotherhood of Evil appear.
Soon the Brotherhood reveal that the two teams walked into their missile launch. Brotherhood of Evil gets Immortus' soldiers out. The Brain says that the missile is being launched into New Delhi. Since it's an American missile, the Indians will declare war on the US. He believes that India will do so because of Western imperialism and its negative effects. One can only hope India is safe. Fight ensues. General Immortus and his army charge. Madame Rouge attacks the two teams along with Monsieur Mallah. Robin does martial arts on the soldiers. Elastigirl becomes big and stomps the soldiers. Starfire uses her starbolts. Negative Man and Madame Rouge fight with Negative Man using his soul self to punch her unconscious and on the floor. Raven kicks General Immortus with a foot made by her magic. Robot Man overpowers the soldiers near him. Mento and the Brain get into it with Mento using his powers to immobilize the Brain for 50 seconds. Cyborg blasts the soldiers. Beast Boy turns into a Spinosaurus and picks up Monsieur Mallah and throws him away. When the fight is done, the Brain reminds the heroes that they have a few seconds left before the missile launches. Two groups gather around the launch pad. Most of the members can't figure the pad out. However, Beast Boy realizes the controls are like one of his games. Quickly he causes the missile to self destruct over New Delhi, saving millions of lives. Both groups are happy that he saved the city from doom. But the brotherhood escaped in the scuffle. The battle is over, so Mento expresses his gratitudeto the Titans, and the Titans and Doom Patrol agree to be posted on the Brotherhood of Evil's latest actions. Cyborg and Robin find a supercomputer in the Bangladeshi base and Cyborg downloads the information to himself. Elastigirl says bye to Beast Boy, who she calls Garfield as they leave. Raven is curious and Cyborg giggles at the name. Finally, the teams leave the base.
But in the meantime, the Brain, is convinced that the Titans' youthful unpredictability is more dangerous the Doom Patrol, so he decides to target the Titans and other young heroes.The vile Brain walks with Monsieur Mallah, General Immortus and a few troops and Madame Rouge to a room. Monseiur Mallah pulls a lever and beneath the door are the reinforcements for Brain's plans. All the enemies of the Teen Titans that he could find and convince to join him are gathered there. Quickly the Brain welcomes them. He congratulates them on coming to the newer base. Cameras zoom out and the base is shown to be in Iraq on a map. Ominous laughter emerges.
Now the Brain is happy at his success in finding the enemies. Glides over the floor. He says that the Brotherhood members should introduce themselves to each other. Every thing will go to plan he believes now. First, he does a narration where the members present their powers or gadgets. Next he says that they have great powers. Madame Rouge asks how the Brain knows that the new members are evil. Suddenly, Kitten's cell phone rings and Justin Bieber's "What Do you Mean" plays. That is how the Brain knows. Monsieur Mallah thanks him and offers to play chess with the Brain. General Immortus says that these are super powered mooks to introduce to his army. Members like General Immortus, Katarou, Gizmo, Jinx, Billy Numerous, Mammoth, Private Hive, Fang, Kitten, Malchior, Psimon, Kyd Wykyyd, Cheshire, Punk Rocket, Angel, Johnny Rancid, Cinderblock, Trident, Andre Le Blanc, Puppet King, Steamroller, I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R., Phobia and Mumbo are very powerful or sneaky. Some TVs show the Teen Titans. Each screen goes in order of who joined the comics titans. They will be the first to attack the Titans when the hunt begins. Brain also said he devised a plan to follow the Titans' movements until the time had come to strike. Madame Rouge will need to get a Titans Communicator asap. When the Titans rely on their backup network through their communicators, the Brain can pinpoint the exact location of each Titan. In a speech ,the Brain explains his powers and weaknesses. The Brain has genius-level intellect with great analytic and math capabilities, and is a master in strategy and science. He also can remotely control various devices by a control unit built into his jar, which is directly connected to his brain. When controlling devices, the "eyes" of his skull will light up and his brain jar lights up green. For obvious reasons, the Brain informs them that he is not capable of physical combat. Because of his defenselessness, he relies on the new members and Monsieur Mallah to protect him and carry out his plans, with himself providing strategic leadership. Weakness is that since he cannot move, he cannot stop whoever is messing up his plans. That's why he needs the members to defeat the titans in battle. Overall, the Brain hopes his plans can work.
Beast Boy is now on the bed. Suddenly, Raven enters thr room. Raven says she has a question for him. Now that she knows Beast Boy's real name, she wamts to know his origin.He tells her it's sad. But he begins and tells her it without any flashbacks there. Originally, he was the son of wildlife explorers. Parents visited countries in Africa. They enjoyed the journey. One day, he was butten by a green monkey. So the parents responded by using a new blood transfusion to save him. But it came at a price as Beast Boy became green. Whenever he saw an animal, he would imitate the animal by literally turning into a version of it. Parents were distraught. Angry at him for being different, they kicked him out of their life. For a while, Beast Boy had no family. One day the Doom Patrol and Niles Caulder came to a place where Beast Boy was. They adopted him. He now looks up to them as his role models. Being with the Doom Patrol made him happy. However, he eventually left the team. This is because he got a role on Space Trek as an alien. When the show ended, he decided to wander around. He met the Titans and is now happy with his new role. Raven says thanks and they kiss.
Robin and Cyborg are at a Tower computer decoding the information Cyborg scanned. Data is being uploaded quickly. Prepared to find out what information is on the computer. Eventually, they do and they are both shocked by this intrusive data. Quickly, they realize that what the Brotherhood of Evil have planned is large scale. So they must have a new strategy for this foe.
At a special building, Robin's suitcase is shown. Shadowy figure comes in and takes the suitcase and reports that it's been stolen. He leaves a clue at the place where the suitcase was stolen. Then he leaves and is shown to be Ding Dong Daddy. The crook leaves the building sneakily. Getaway car is manned by Control Freak, the nerd. Control Freak lets Ding Dong Daddy drive. Along the way, Conrol Freak reminds Ding Dong Daddy that their flight back to the brotherhood base isn't in two days. He suggests they go to Hooter's and a hotel in the meantime, which Ding Dong Daddy agrees to. Quickly they drive to the diner. Meanwhile, Madame Rouge is on her laptop looking at friends of the Titans on facebook. She is trying to predict who the Titans will contact next. Looking at the site, she realizes that Hot Spot, who lives in Morocco is closest to Baghdad. Very pleased. Informs the Brain that she will travel to that country to impersonate Hot Spot, once the Titans decide to give him a communicator for calling. Brain agrees and she leaves. When she arrives at his town, she heads to his house. A housekeeper informs her that he is not present and has gone to America for something. Of course, Madame Rouge smiles.
Cyborg looks up information for the brotherhood's next plans. Not much information is on the web. But he has found one site which has information on what the Brotherhood of Evil's plans could be in the near future. Way back, they brought ice storage for people from Mr. Freeze. Their device allows them to store a certain amount of people. Since they brought 5 ice storages, Cyborg concludes that the 5 storage could be next used on the main Titans. This worries him. Now he tries to figure a way that the Teen Titans can defeat the brotherhood by themselves. Latest developments are troubling and he now has to come up with a counter attack soon. Will he be able to come up with a strategy to defeat them?
The Brain has now invited other villains to a room. He says he will tell them his origin and flashbacks are shown. Once he was a scientist in Boston. Graduated at the top of his class. Lab offers were given to him. But in one lab, an accident occurred and his body was disintegrated with only his brain there. Scientists put his brain in a jar. Now he could function and was free to continue his evil plans. So he continued his evil. He found an evil gorilla named Monsieur Mallah later on. They became friends. Also he found two other metahumans in life. Madame Rouge was a visiting stage actress he found once. General Immortus was a legend and the Brain found and hired him to carry out the Brotherhood of Evil operations. Over time, they spread their ways. Doom Patrol is their mortal enemy. Sometimes they lose, sometimes they win against the team. Overall, the Brain hopes his experience can aid the recruits in fighting the titans.
Robin suddenly calls the main Teen Titans at the tower. He tells them to get into his car since they have a conference today. So the four others do so. Along the way he tells them that he's inviting global Titans to the conference now. Combined number of Titans can fend off a future brotherhood attack. So they enter the building the conference is in. There a lot of honorary Titans are in chairs. Quickly, Robin gets to the podium. He talks to them and introduces himself as Robin. Latest actions mean he is the new global leader of the Teen Titans and will aid them. But to fight off attacks, they will need a tool. He tells Cyborg to pass out a Titans communicator to each of the attendees. With the communicator, the main Titans can contact a backup if they are ever outnumbered in combat vs evil. So it's good. Now he tells the honorary Titans to stand up. He then narrates each of their powers as they are shown in training. Lightning has lightning powers which he uses to strike out bags. Thunder has sound powers which he used to destroy cardboard boxes. Speedy is the archer who successfully aims at bullseyes. Aqualad has extreme swimming powers and then swims in a pool for 35 minutes. Wonder Girl has Wonder Woman's powers and is shown punching numerous bags in 4 seconds. Then Bumblebee has zapping powers which she uses on a printout of Brother Blood. Kid Flash has speed powers and races through an obstacle course in 12 seconds. Jericho is the body possessor and possesses all the Titans except Raven. Mas y Menos are the Guatemalan speedsters who rush and bring Chipotle to the team in 1 minute. Ravager is shown with her sword fighting numerous standing still opponenets. Hot Spot is a fire thrower who throws fire outside at a metal pole. Pantha is a cat woman who kicks bags quickly. Supergirl is a Kryptonian heroine who freeze breathes dummies. Kole is a crystal turning girl. Gnarrk is Kole's friend who holds Kole when she is in crystal mode and he is shown using her to smash a sculpture of Gizmo. Bushido is then shown effectively defeating ninja simulations in battle. Herald has a horn which he uses to create a portal to teleport bags out of. Red Star is shown knocking down a giant pole now. Risk is then shown running quickly in a gym. Joker's daughter is then shown with various tools like her mallet that knocks mannequins over and a weaponized pie that she is told not to throw because of its effects. Red X participates in a cage fighting a robotic enemy. Bombshell is shown creating harmless radiation in a closed room. Finally, Robin calls them back. He says that each of them have something special. So he has decided to form the honorary Titans as a larger group. Eventually, they will figure out how to defeat the brotherhood and their sinister plans. With the honorary Titans' help, they can defeat whoever the Brotherhood of Evil throws at them. But they are going to come up with a solution later. For their solution to defeating the vile group involves knowing where the brotherhood's base is and who is defending it. So now the meeting is over. He hands out free cookies to them and they eat in a cafeteria in the Titans building. Kole and Jericho are sitting together and Starfire asks how the Jerikole relationship is going along; Kole says it's going fine. Pantha invites the shy Red Star to her table. He eats with her. Thunder and Lightning eat together. Speedy and Wonder Girl eat together as well and Wonder Girl asks about Speedy's new love life. Then Speedy says it's fine. Meeting then ends. Every Titan announces that they are going on vacation for Memorial Day weekend. Yet they'll still keep in touch through the Titans communicators of course. Main 5 Titans then head back. Robin opens a room and looks for his suitcase
But what the suitcase is gone. He is angry at this and looks visibly pissed. But he sees a clue that deduces the thief. Ding Dong Daddy left a circular pin with his name and Robin mutters "Ding Dong Daddy" slowly. Now Robin has a plan. He calls Red X to help the main Titans. Red X is capable of halting Ding Dong Daddy's weapons. Next he explains the situation to Red X. And Red X figures out how to track Ding Dong Daddy. One of his CIs is an ex employee of the crook. Red X calls his CI who then calls Ding Dong Daddy, his former boss. Naïve Ding Dong Daddy replies that he's at a Jump City Hooter's eating. But he does not mention that Control Freak is with him. Call ends and the ex worker tells the two Ding Dong Daddy's location in Jump City. Red X thanks him for the help and he and the main Titans head off.
Ding Dong Daddy and Control Freak are eating.A waitress asks them if they want dessert. Control Freak is about to answer when all of a sudden, a noise is heard outside. Main titans have arrived at Hooter's. Cunningly, Ding Dong Daddy reminds the main Titans and Red X his rules. To recapture the suitcase, they have to beat him in a car race. Of course, Robin obliges. Both the villains and the heroes get into their respective cars. Heroes are in the T-Car, while the villains are in Ding Dong's car. Race begins. Subsequently, the Ding Dong Daddy car is faster than the T-Car. In the front of Ding Dong Daddy's car, Control Freak is giving him advice on what the road conditions are up ahead. Main Titans worried about losing the race. Suddenly, Ding Dong Daddy cheats and brings in a weapon of his own. Using weaponized cars with robot drivers, he distracts the Titans for a while. Each Titans is worried. But Red X has an idea. He jumps out of the car. Then he dispatches his weapons. First, he jumps into a limo and tears it apart with his knife.Next he jumps out. Landing on one car, he attaches a bomb to it and jumps off before it blows. Then he throws sphere bombe at other cars, which make them explode.Finally, at the last car he sees a transmission jamming remote. now he breaks the window of the car, which destabilizes the robot driver and escapes with the transmission jamming remote. He then jumps back into the T-Car. Next he tells Robin to use the transmission remote. Robin agrees. Then he uses the transmission jamming remote which quickly jams Ding Dong Daddy's car. T-Car then wins the race. In sadness, Ding Dong Daddy gives Robin his suitcase back. Everything is fine now. So it seems to be.
Hot Spot heads back home to his Morrocco house. Very happy to have the Titans communicator with him. Now he thinks his housekeeper is inside. So he goes in. But she is tied up on the floor. He is extremely worried. Then the housekeeper motions to look behind him. He tries to but is quickly knocked out by Madame Rouge who had tied up the housekeeper earlier. With him knocked out, she picks up the communicator and assumes Hot Spot's form. She laughs at his unconscious body. Then she cell phone calls the Brain and tells him of her success. The Brain is happy. Mission 1 has been accomplished by now. He tells her to get in the plane that will take her out of Morrocco and into his evil base. So she does.
Cyborg and Beast Boy go into a karaoke bar. Karaoke bar is in Jump City. They pay the vendors their money and then go. Pretty much the girls are excited to see them sing. Heard they're very good. Next, the duo gets on the stage. Song is "Living On a Prayer". Quickly, they sing it. Applause is heard throughout the song. Finally, they finish the song with everyone chanting their name. Then they leave the bar happy.
The Brain's base is packed with evil Immortus soldiers around him.Ding Dong Daddy and Control Freak arrive sad. However, the Brain consoles them. He says that he has come up with a plan to capture the heroes. Next General Immortus pushes a button which opens all the remaining ice areas. So it wasn't five they ordered from Mr. Freeze; it was 40. Most of the chambers were handed under the table. Brotherhood of Evil laughs at his trickery. The Brain then gives instructions next. He says that they will finish off the heroes by tomorrow and tells Ding Dong Daddy that he will be deployed with several others. He agrees to this. Then the attack begins. All attacks will have the place of location appear on the screen to viewers.
Dominican Republic is the first attack. Pantha is walking on the street. Everything seems fine until a pounding noise is heard. Atlas and Adonis have arrived. They run after her. Needing help, Pantha calls the Titans to give her back up. Main Titans hear her call. Quickly, they go in the T- Jet and fly to the Dominican Republic address. Atlas and Adonis meanwhile pin her. She is really struggling to fight back. Mad at them, she tries to bite back, which annoys them. Both of them get into a tussle and jaws are broken. Pantha is thrown away. Hope seems to be lost.
North Atlantic off the English coast is the second attack. Aqualad is swimming with his aquatic friends. They enjoy it. Suddenly, Trident attacks him with weaponized spear. In response, the honorary Titan swims away. Calls main Titans. Robin says they got his message now. Water is brushed aside as the chase ensues. Both hero and villain have fast speed under water.
Finland is the next attack. Kole and Gnarrk are roaming around. When a noise occurs, they investigate it. Gizmo and Billy Numerous have arrived. Teen Titans Kole and Gnarrk face off. She tells him that there's only two enemies. So Gnarrk is pleased. He thinks it's easy. Billy Numerous then says "You can't stop all of us" and promptly clones himself. Then Gizmo used his spider legs to appear bigger. Promptly, Kole turns into a crystal boomerang and Gnarrk throws her. It hurts Gizmo as his spider legs break. However, Billy and his clones surround the duo upon Kole boomerang return. In the meanwhile, Gizmo has turned into a mini helicopter and shoots at the two. Will Gizmo and Billy Numerous defeat the duo.
San Francisco is the next attack. Mas y Menos are jogging in a street. Golden Gate Bridge is in the background of the scene. Seems fine. However, Johnny Rancid then arrives with his motorcycle to attack them. The twins run away. Johnny promptly uses the advanced features on his bike to chase them. Quickly, they run. While running, they contact the main Titans. In the T- Jet, the Titans decide to split up. Raven will help Mas y Menos, Starfire will help Pantha and Beast Boy will help Aqualad. This is their new strategy. Jet breaks off so the three can save the stranded brethren. Camera shows Mas y Menos scared of Johnny.
Nigeria is the next attack. In the nation, Bumblebee is attacked by Punk Rocket and Angel. Each of the characthers can fly. She knows they are evil. Now she uses her weapons to pulse the air. This halts them, but they return. Punk Rocket strings his guitar which then disorients the girl. Angel swoops in to try to catch her. But Bumblebee falls down along with her communicator below. Thus, she can't contact the main Titans for help.
Japan is the next location. Bushido pulls out his sword. He stares into his enemy's eyes as they face off. Fighting Katarou will be hard. But he continues on, knowing what will happen if he loses.They engage in combat. Sword of Katarou's is made out of wood, while Bushido's is made out of metal. As they clash, tempers rise. Bushido jumps across a wall and kicks down Katarou. He then gets up. So they fight in the night.
Nebraska is the next location. Kid Flash is contacted about the Titans being attacked worldwide by Robin. He tells Wally that the honorary Titans are being attacked across the globe. Thus, the speedster pays attention to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jinx standing behind him. So he runs across his city to a warehouse to evade her. It seems safe. However, Jinx arrives in a few seconds since she used a speed device the Broterhood of Evil gave her. Wally is out of breath. For the takedown, Jinx then zaps him with her powers. Finally, she picks up his unconscious body and carries it over her.
Just then it appears that Hot Spot has contacted Robin. He tells him that friends of the Riddler have attacked him. Riddler is one of Robin's foes. Very angry, he comes to help Hot Spot. So he breaks off the T-Jet and tells Cyborg to help one of the other attacked Titans. Now Robin flies to the location. In the meantime, he wonders how the Brotherhood of Evil know where the titans are. But that matters less to him as he needs to help Hot Spot. So he goes off.
Maine is the next location. Speedy is having archery practice as he bullseyes a target. He seems happy. Suddenly, Cheshire jumps in front of him. He knows Cheshire from earlier fights where he assisted the Teen Titans. Very slyly, Cheshire says that the main Titans aren't here to help him defeat her like they did last time. Maybe he says reminding her that he's a badass normal. Next he shoots her with glue arrows that slow her down. He then runs off into the forest. Even though Cheshire breaks out, she needs to find Speedy in the woods.
Cosmos, Colorado is the next attack. Risk sees Ding Dong Daddy on the road. Now he's scared, but decides to fight on. Ding Dong Daddy is tough, but needs his car which Risk knows. He attempts to run Ding Dong Daddy into a trap. Quickly he runs to a lake cliff and jumps across the lake. But Ding Dong Daddy car can jump too. Now Risk is trapped. Using this opportunity, Ding Dong Daddy shoots a net from his car which ensnares the young hero. Now Ding Dong Daddy laughs at the poor boy.
Israeli mountains are the next attack. Jericho notices that Fang is climbing up the mountains to capture him. So Jericho runs away with his guitar. He runs across various rocks. The reason he can't possess Fang is because Fang has a mask which blocks his real eyes. Fang reminds him of this as he then chases the Titan. Race continues to find Jericho in trouble.
Houston is the next attack. Ravager is met in her apartment by Andre Le Blacnc. She dismisses him and gets ready to pull out her sword. But he mentions he has help. Pointing behind, he motions to someone. I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. then appears behind her.She throws her sword which he dodges. Then he picks her up. Of course she struggles to get out of his grasp. In a last ditch effort, he throws her out the window. The fall ends with her skull hitting the pavement and oozing blood. Andre laughs at her sad misfortune and they leave, thinking she died.
Fortress of Solitude 's outside is the next attack Supergirl is maintaining her cousin's fortress. Now she seems fine. But Private HIVE arrives on a snow mobile. He has a bag and his shield with him. Very quickly, he motions to his bag. She laser eyes his shoulder, causing him to feel intense pain. This hurt doesn't last long. Private HIVE throws his bag at her which contains kryptonite dust. She then freaks out. Knocks her unconscious in the ice. Then he picks her up.
Dominican Republic is the next attack. Starfire has arrived hoping to find Pantha there. But she can't at all. Instead, it is desolate area. Kitten then arrives on a moth glider. She asks if Starfire remembers her from the last time she fought the main Titans. Angry she gets ready to fight the enemy and her moths in combat. But Kitten is well prepared and sics the moths against the Titan. Villain tells the moths to eat Starfire when they're done. Kitten then flies off, happy.
Harlem is the next location. There, Herald is playing with his trumpet when Robin tells him about the coordinated attacks on the heroes. Robin wants Herald to help Speedy since he's closest. Of course, Herald agrees. But before he can make a portal to Maine, See- More and Warp arrive. They arrived through one of Warp's portals. He is angry that they came now. See- More throws a eye at Herald's trumpet, knocking it down. Both engage in fight. Warp pulls out his futuristic arsenal and See- More gets his eye weapons, while Herald twirls his trumpet. Then they charge.
Greece is the next attack. Wonder Girl is facing off against Puppet King, the villain. He is smilling creepily at her. Puppet King throws balls at her. But she breaks them.Now he is upset, but has other plans. Then he pulls out his puppet version of Donna. In loud voice, he says "Puppet Power: Update" and the puppet glows.Puppet then takes Donna's soul out . Next Donna is unconscious and falls. During this time, Puppet King is giddy with glee.
Seattle is the next attack. Lightning and Thunder are visiting an arcade there. Both seem happy playing the games. But what they don't know is who's outside the arcade. Lightning goes outside to get some fresh air. So he walks outside and into General Immortus's army. The evil general tells his troops to fire. Quickly, Lightning flies up. He is seen dodging the bullets from Immortus's army. Last time he is seen before camera switches.
Inside the arcade, Thunder is playing games. Suddenly, a tap on his shoulders comes. Guy next to him asks "What's going on?". Thunder says not much man very happily and turns around. However, he sees that's it is Steamroller who asked him the question. In anger, Thunder uses his sound powers. This stuns Steamroller. But Steamroller is unfazed. Quickly, he picks Thunder and throws him into the wall, knocking him unconscious for now. Villain won.
Utah is the next attack. Raven is in her portion of the T-Jet flying to save Mas y Menos. She knows they are in California facing difficulties with a bad guy. So she flies. But Kyd Wykkyd and Psimon reach her jet. Psimon asks if Raven has any word to say to them. Raven says no and gives them the finger then. Ejects herself out of the seat .Both she and Psimon have a psionic battle. The battle rages on. When Raven tries to get the upper hand, Kyd Wykkyd flies behind her and kicks her into a portal Psimon created. They then leave.
Finland is the next location. Cyborg arrives to help Kole and Gnarrk fight off Billy Numerous and Gizmo. So he arrives. He calls out to them. Mammoth then appears and pushes Cyborg. Both fight for a while. Finally, the evil Mammoth pushes Cyborg into a desolate ravine. He screams as he falls down the hole.
Russia is the next attack. Red Star sees Phobia up ahead. Now he is shocked by her an tries to punch her. She gets hit. But she has a trick up her sleeve. Very quickly, she uses her powers to make Red Star experience a dream. In the nightmare, he loses control of his powers and radiation burts out killing his hometown. This affects Red Star. Scared he has a breakdown an flies off. Night sky is where he is seen flying into. Now Phobia is done.
Gotham is the next attack. Joker's daughter faces Mumbo. They engage in close combat with each other now. Joker's daughter pulls out an explosive pie and whacks Mumbo with it, causing him to scream in pain. He seems to have fallen . But he gets back up. So he then uses a magic spell. With that spell, he makes Joker's daughter turn into a glass case. Then Mumbo picks her up and puts her in his car.
Wales coastis the next attack. Beast Boy is in the T-Jet, worried about his comrades. He flies in the T-Jet. But suddenly, he hears a noise on top of his jet. Malchior has attacked and is mocking him. Now Beast Boy yells. He then turns into a giant squid and jumps off the jet. Next he successfully throws Malchior off the jet. Both fall ino the water and Malchior has trouble swimming there. Beast Boy then swims away. Goes to a coastal cave in Wales. There he says it was bad idea for the team to split up. Now he sighs.
San Francisco is still shown. Mas y Menos separate their arms which causes Johnny Rancid to crash into a wall. They are happy. But they didn't account for what's above them. Evil Cinderblock comes and crashes into them. Twins are scared. Cinderblock picks up Menos. Mas starts crying sad.
Morroco is where Robin heads. He finds Hot Spot's house. Up ahead he searches for Hot Spot who was in danger. Hot Spot greets Robin. But Robin asks how he defeated Riddler's goons. So he says that he is powerful at defeating foes. Sighs a breath of relief. Thenhe tells Hot Spot that he should help him resuce the other Titans. Looks down. Yet Hot Spot laughs an changes into Madame Rouge. She explains that she defeated Hot Spot and stole his identity. Madame Rouge slaps Robin. Quickly, Robin runs away and throws a freeze disc. It temporarily freezes her. During the mean time, he contacts the other Titan and tells them that the Brotherhood of Evil can track them since Madame Rouge has a communicator with her. Quickly, he whispers to meet up in the Amazon rainforest hideout if they've defeated their attackers. He then disables them. It affects Beast Boy, Jericho, Mas, Pantha, Bombshell and Herald. Behind him Madame Rouge appears. Without giving a struggle, he is captured by her. Madame Rouge then takes him in to her plane to fly off. There Hot Spot has also been tied up.
Brain now appears in his base. Robin has been brought to him and the assembled Brotherhood of Evil. Sad solemn is observed. Unfortunately there's no way Robin can escape. Madame Rouge smirks at him. Titan asks how many other of his teammates the brotherhood captured in the hunt. Camera flashes to Monsieur Mallah who drops them. Aqualad, Kid Flash, Hot Spot, Speedy, Risk, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, Lightning, Thunder, Joker's Daughter and Menos are dropped. So Robin is sad. Wonder Girl asks for mercy not to be frozen. But Monieur Mallah slaps her across the face, making her cry. Ice chambers are opened. Quickly the Brain says that they're ready to accommodate all the captured teens.Those brotherhood members who didn't capture their titan arrive and say they didn't capture them. However, they made the Titan flee. Brain is happy and says that the Teen Titans can't find their base at all. Since Robin disabled the communicators, the Titans can't regroup. Everything is fine. Ice chambers open. Who among the heroes can possibly stop the brotherhood , asks the Brain.
Now we see Beast Boy appearing in the Amazon. He says "Now try and follow me" looking back to see if any brotherhood members have followed him. Beast Boy walks through the forest. While the vile Brotherhood of Evil is strong, he knows they can't find this location. Secret base is in stone wall that gets activated by one of the Teen Titan finger prints. Now he opens it. Waits for a moment then enters. He appears and relaxes himself on the couch in the room. Suddenly, a portal by Herald appears there. Herald comes out with Mas, Jericho and Pantha. Quickly, he mentions that these are the Titans he could find. While Beast Boy appears distraught, he says it's okay. Next he asks what they can do to defeat the brotherhood in combat. Herlad says his portal abilities whisk enmies away. Mas can run quickly, but only with Menos, which is sad. Pantha fights people one on one. Jericho will need to possess people which he does to Mas making him hit himself. So that's the abilities of the group. Initially, Beast Boy is sad that they don't have powerful members like Raven, Bombshell, Wonder Girl, Hot Spot, Supergirl and Red Star. However, they have to make the best of what they've got. So this will do for the time being. Now Beast Boy explains that the Brotherhood of Evil are magnificent and have forged many crimes. With their powers come evil acts. This frightens Mas a lot. Doom Patrol is a group that Beast Boy was on that fought the brotherhood and their members. He has adept knowledge on it. Brain is physically weak, Monsieur Mallah has gorilla limitations, Madame Rouge is vulnerable to fire and General Immortus can be taken down by a soft blow. These weaknesses can be exploited once the group frees the other Titans. He knows that the brotherhood send out members to recapture foes they didn't catch if they were traveling in two. Mas fits this example as his twin was captured by Cinderblock the previous day. Thus, they take a portal back to San Francisco to fight Cinderblock and figure out where the base is.
In San Francisco, the area is quiet. Only Cinderblock is there, scouting for the other twin. He is very agitated that he can't find Mas. Where is the Guatemalan speedster? In the meantime, the group arrives behind Cinderblock. Beast Boy tells them to follow the plan closely. Mas runs below Cinderblock and spits at him. Then Cinderblock bends down, which allows Beast Boy to become a ram and knock him over. Herald then uses his trumpet to create a portal that picks up, then redrops the foe. Jericho then possesses the villain. With his powers, he accesses his mind. Under his control, the Cinderblock then tells the team the location is in Iraq and gives the address to them. All the members of the group are extremely happy and sigh a breath of relief. So they head to Iraq.
Now they appear outside the Iraqi base. Beast Boy tells them that they have to consider their plan. Plan is to avoid fighting too many foes at once. On his cell phone, he texts his other Teen Titans members to arrive at the Baghdad location to fight with the ragtag group if they've defeated or escaped their brotherhood attacker. Message is sent. The group is now free to go in and attack the base. Now they enter. Long hallway is ahead. Freezing is occurring in the room. The Brotherhood of Evil is freezing various members. Speedy is the second to last member to get frozen. That is sad. Brain then asks Robin, who's the last member if he has any words. "Wherever there's Titans, there will be defeats to villains", he responds. The Brain just smirks. Quickly, Robin gets frozen. Villains cheer on. Many like Jinx and Phobia are visibly happy. The Brain then monologues and says that their game has been won. With Robin's defeat, the king has been downed. He is happy at the members' success in capturing the titans. Just then, Beast Boy and his group appear and tell the Brain his plan is over.
But the Brain just laughs. Very quickly he puts on the lights. All the Brotherhood of Evil members appear there. With them there, the group is most certainly outnumbered and will likely be frozen. Madame Rouge says they have weak odds and orders her friends to attack. They do and Beast Boy's group charges. Both groups fight. Jericho sees Control Freak fall and possesses the villain. Uner his control the possessed Control Freak fights the villain Phobia who he knocks down. Beast Boy turns into a giant elephant and throws Mad Mod and Angel down. Mas kicks Adonis and while Adonis is hurt by kick, Herald uses his horn to send him into another location now. Herald is then approached by Punk Rocket who strums his guitar. In response Herald says he doesn't like Punk Rocket's music and transports the crook to another location. Pantha takes on Mammoth whose face she claws. Battle is being valiantly fought by the ragtag group. So they are overperforming expectation placed by the brain. But they are being outnumbered quickly. Jericho's soul moves out of Control Freak when he gets hit and stands in Jericho's body. Gizmo quickly runs over and puts bag on his head, neutralizing him. Beast Boy as elephant gets surrounded by Immortus's troops who knock him over. Herald is preparing to transport another bad guy when Fang secretes his spit in the trumpet. From the front, Cheshire comes and knocks him down.Mas tries to reach his brother, but he is stopped by two General Immortus soldiers. Pantha fights, but is flattened by Steamroller. All in the ragtag group have been defeated. They are picked up by their victors and brought to Rouge. She is smiling at their failure. Madame Rouge is pleased. Asks if they have any last words. Beast Boy says he wouldn't stand where she is. Then a crack opens.
Cyborg comes out of it with Kole, Gnarrk and Bomshell appear. In a proud tone he says, "Lesson number 1, never push down a hole unless you make sure I stay there". Starfire then enters with Red Star, Bumblebee and Red X. "Lesson number two, We never give up". Raven finally appears with Ravager and says "Lesson number 3, your secret Iraq lair isn't so secret". Beast Boy smiles. However, the brotherhood are concerened now. Previously, the Brotherhood of Evil had captured many of the heroes. But now they've been made. So Madame Rouge frowns. Ragtag group gets out of its restraints. Next, Beast Boy says "Titans together" and leads the charge. Quickly his group and the reinforcements run. Kole jumps and turns into an ice stick, which Gnarrk uses to destroy Ding dong Daddy's car and make him fall over. Herald sees Malchior fire breathing at Teen Titans, but he uses his trumpet to transport Malchior away. Red Star gets into a fight with Steamroller and starts punching him. Beast Boy turns into an ox and knocks out Andre LeBlanc.Raven flies Ravager to her brother and she tells Jericho that they will team up. Jericho then possesses Private HIVE and makes him hit himself when under his control. Starfire shoots down Trident. Mas meanwhile runs up the stairs to free Menos. He gets there.
Then he unfreezes his brother. His brother is happy now and they get to work. Duo realizes they should free the other heroes. So they fiddle with the controls. Keep touching them. Eventually, the duo unfreezes the captives. Now the remaining ones charge. Monsieur Mallah then tells the Brain he should worry. So the Brain tells him to help Madame Rouge fight. He does and knocks over Gnarrk and Cyborg before getting tripped by Risk. Speedy jumps up and shoots down See-More. Pantha claws Wrestling Star and says she is the champion now. Ravager throws her sword which stuns Puppet King. Next Supergirl sees a rock being thrown, catches it and reaims it at Fang. Lightning shocks Mad Mod then. Thunder strikes the ground knocking Warp and Trident down. Wonder Girl catches Kitten with her lasso. Raven makes Steamroller fall unconscious with a soul self kick. Psimon opens a portal through which Cheshire and Angel escape.Bombshell makes a poisonous bomb and knocks Psimon down. Bumblebee zaps some of Immortus's troops with her stingers.Joker's daughter approaches Mumbo and throws a tape on his mouth. Cyborg battles Control Freak fist to fist and head butts him down. Kid Flash speed punches Mammoth, Gizmo, Billy Numerous and Kyd Wykkyd down. Jinx tries to stop him, but she is punched in the face by Kid Flash. Hot Spot sees Madame Rouge running to help, so he throws a flame at the floor; she jumps up, but is grabbed by Hot Spot who arm locks her. Red X catches Wintergreen in a net. Bushido jumps up, slices Atlas's leg and jumps on Katarou's face. Risk jumps up and kicks Johnny Rancid off his seat. Lightning then electrocutes I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. in pain. Aqualad commands the waves to wash out Immortus and his soldiers. The Brain and Monsieur Mallah are now worried.
So the two try to escape the base. They run with Mallah carrying the Brain. However, it's easier in theory then in reality. Cyborg stops him to his right, Bomshell to his left and Speedy and Bumblebee to his center. Thus they run back. Hoping to get to the exit, they run. Robin and Beast Boy see this moment now. Beast Boy says he'll take on Monsieur Mallah while Robin captures the Brain. So they follow that attack plan. Young Beast Boy turns ino a gorilla now. With success, Beast Boy attacks Mallah and brings him down. The Brain falls down and robin catches him. Now Beast Boy carries the vile gorilla to the freezing place and freezes him. Robin then gives Beast Boy the Brain to freeze in the freezing chamber. Beast Boy freezes Brain and says "Brain Freeze". Even though the Brain was formidable in smarts, he has now been beat. Crowd of Teen Titans groans at the BB joke.
Very quickly the camera pans to Titans Tower. Over there, the Teen Titans are very happy. Vile brotherhood was defeated now. Robin looks at the blueprints and says the Tower can hold the honorary Titans for days. Beast Boy is waiting for the Doom Patrol to congratulate them. Starfire is also happy. Cyborg says he's glad Mammoth has been beaten. Raven decides to stop meditating for the day. Lightning is talking to Thunder now. Thunder agrees that becoming good was great for them and their values. Speedy is on the couch drinking soda. Aqualad is playing in the Titans water tank with fishes. Wonder Girl tells Speedy that Terry Long, her college friend, proposed to her and invites him to their wedding. Bumblebee texts Cyborg saying he was awesome in the battle. Kid Flash stares at a Jinx poster saying that he wonders if he could have been her boyfriend in another universe. Mas y Menos run around the tower bringing Chipotle bags to every one. Jericho plays on his Vita. Ravager says she is happy that they defeated the brotherhood at their Iraq base. Hot Spot gets his replacement Titans communicator from Robin. Pantha does hula hoops. Supergirl texts Superman, talking about her victory and he congratulates her. Kole says she's ready for the next Teen Titans fight. Gnarrk says his name. Bushido plays mah jong now. Herald plays a symphony with his trumpet. Red Star thanks Starfire for her rescuing him. Risk works out in the basement of the tower. Joker's daughter exclaims that the Brotherhood of Evil base was more scary than Arkham Asylum. Red X now wishes Robin good luck. Bombshell tours the tower now. So things are fine. Everthing is good at this moment. A doorbell then rings. Doom Patrol walks in. Members thank Beast Boy for defeating the brotherhood the previous day. They are pleased with him. Niles says good luck with his future activities. Finally, the patrol leaves.
Siren rings. All the Teen Titans gathered learn about a threat in the city. They learned that white monster has returned to Jump City. Robin says that the honorary Titans should help in the fight because of how powerful the monster is. They agree. In the city, they face off. White monster is very tough. However, with teamwork the heroes attack.Credits roll Kole uses her crystal body to break off his arm. Other heroes aim weapons or their powers at him in response. Finally, he is almost down. Beast Boy turns into a kangaroo and kicks the monster down. Teen Titans win. Flick is done as the famous Titans logo pops up.
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