
Mar 15, 2016

The sixth flick's locations. My sixth movie aka Teen Titans V will have some locations for the filming crew to visit. First is the Titans Tower which is the same tower used before. Nothing changes at all. Second location is Bangladesh where the Doom Patrol are being held. We will film in Bangladesh itself. Third location is the sky above New Delhi, where missile is shot. Green screen shows the sky. Fourth location is Baghdad, Iraq, home of the Brotherhood of Evil base. Rather than an Iraq filming location, we will film in Arizona which has a desert as well.  Fifth location is Jump City highway for when Ding Dong Daddy and Control Freak ride their car. An actual highway will be used. Sixth location is the Titans gathering building. It is cool and will be in a building that has multiple levels. Seventh location is Morrocco where Hot Spot will get attacked. Use a fake desert for the filming of the scenes there. Eighth location is Dominican Republic which will be filmed for the Pantha being attacked scene. Locals there will like our filming of the attack. Ninth location is the Atlantic Ocean where both Aqualad and Beast Boy are attacked by brotherhood members. A special effects created ocean will be used. Tenth location is Finland where Kole and Gnarrk vs Billy Numerous and Gizmo. Location for filming can be in the US though. Eleventh location is San Francisco where Mas y Menos are in trouble. We will film in that California city. Twelfth location is Nigeria where Bumblebee is attacked by Angel and Punk Rocket. Our filming will be in the US to save costs. Thirteenth location is Japan. We will actually film in Japan because our actor for Bushio is Japanese himself. Fourteenth location is Nebraska where Kid Flash is defeated by Jinx. So we will film in Nebraska for this scene. Fifteenth location is Maine where Speedy faces Cheshire. He will be filmed in Maine. Sixteenth location is Cosmos, Colorado. That town is fictional so we will film in a studio. Seventeenth location is Isreali mountains. Our filming will be in the famous Appalcahian mountains for when Jericho is attacked by Fang. Eighteenth location is Houston. Ravager getting attacked by I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. and Andre Le Blanc who will knock her out of a window. Nineteenth location is  Fortress of Solitude where Supergirl is captured. We will use the same location that the Man of Steel crew used. Twentieth location is Harlem where Herald is attacked by both Warp and See-More. Actually film in Harlem. Twenty first location is Greece where Wonder Girl is attacked then. Studio will be used for the scene in the flick. Twenty second location is Seattle where Lightning and Thunder are facing off. Our crew will film in Seattle guys. Twenty third location is Utah sky where Raven is attacked in the T-Jet. Special effects will make it look like she's in the sky. Twenty fourth location is Russia. Filming will be in the US in a studio that can make snow appear. Twenty fifth location is Gotham. We will use the same location that previous Batman flicks used for Gotham stand-ins. Twenty sixth location is Wales coast. Coast will be on-site in Wales. Please leave a comment if you like the location choices.

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