
Jun 27, 2015

Here I will talk about production companies and crew for the fourth film. Teen Titans III is the name. Production is certainlyvital to any movie released in the US. Again, we will use Sony/ Columbia Pictures.  it is the largest film production company that operates in the North American market.Same editing and makeup crews from the last 2 flicks will be used.  For my movie, I am going to use the same editing techniques that were used during the first two films. Editing will enable the feel and tone to be a story of betrayal by a new comer. Before the movie releases, our crew will make sure that the editing will be professional. Makeup artists will be then be assorted from the last 2 movies in my series. Let me know if you like my plans.

Jun 25, 2015

Easter eggs in the Third film. This page talks about Teen Titans II movie easter eggs. Here are the easter eggs. My first Easter egg is the robot scorpion in the opening scene. Later Slade will reveal that he put the scorpion in a large freezer. Deathstroke intended to make it come back to life as scorpions can survive being put in a freezer. Second easter egg is the bag which Terra uses for her clothes. In the bathroom, the bag will be labeled "Made in Romania". This is a reference to Markovia being near Romania in east Europe. Fish restaurant will have a waiter named Grell. Michael Grell is a writer of the comic series that created Markovia (Brave and the Bold). In the flashback scene of Markovia, Terra will be shown to be defeating a figure that looks like Jason Voorhees. Scene will be to convince the viewers that she has beaten powerful people before. Picture in Jurdon's room will be of Tony Gonzalez, the eminent tight end in a Chiefs uniform. Jurdon is a Kansas City Chiefs fan and the city reveres the tight end. Puffy AmiYumi concert will have Angela Aki say "Hi" to the team. Aki is a Japanese American j-pop artist. During the Beast Boy and Terra scenes, BB will be making firm tofu with his new girl friend. Firm tofu is a favorite among hardcore vegetarians like him. Terra's sweatshirt during the kiss scene with Beast Boy will have Colorado on it. Colorado is where Slade and Terra went for the Titans' botched execution in the original comics. When Starfire is being attacked by the Cironellian chrysalis eater, she will utter that she is going to become glurk scales. Glurk scales are a food that her Tamaranean species eat. Slade will have a Napoleonic hat in his room when he punishes Terra for being friendly with Beast Boy. Napoleon was a leader of France that the Markovians were able to escape. During the phone scene, Slade will tell Terra he ordered the costume from Metropolis STAR Labs. STAR in Metropolis is the central location of the business that specializes in meta humans. Meeting place of Soto and Harper streets is named after two people associated with the 2000s show. Soto is named after a director of the series and Harper is named after Roy Harper (Speedy) who was in seasons 2, 3, and 5. Raven will see an Easter egg in the sewer scene. Graffiti of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Vanilla Ice from one of the TMNT movies will be there. Warehouse will be a CitiKitty storage. CitiKitty makes cat products and Beast Boy can turn into a cat.   X Games will be advertised on the skate park where Starfire is defeated. Skate park will be advocating for viewers to watch the X Games. Police commissioner Jurdon and his cops will be talking about how their prison is similar to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Prison. In Dawn of  the Planet of the Apes, the good apes are put in a jail while a rogue ape and his friends attack a human settlement in the US. Next Easter egg happens in the Slade- Terra final showdown. Terra says that she is. being treated like Christina Aguilera as a child. Aguilera suffered child abuse. Rock monster is another Easter egg. It will be shaped like Chemo, who is a villain that worked with Deathstroke in the 2000s. For Terra's commemoration and fence erecting, there will be a 3 volley salute. Three volley salute are used by police to honor someone. Last easter egg is when Cyborg is assigned an undercover op. Undercover is to infiltrate Brother Blood, the cult leader. So that's all.

Jun 16, 2015

Here, I will talk about very important dates relating to the next Teen Titans film.  First there is the filming. Movie filming will have started in February 2016 and ended in June 2016. Small previews of the movie will then show in June 2016. Most previews will be theater or youtube trailers. July 2016 will start the advertising of the film in magazines, comic books and on the web. Before September 2016, there will be TV commercials for "Teen Titans II". September 2016 will mark the start of the press junkets and release of the movie's website. Publicity blitz will happen in November 2016. Movie will have its publicity blitz go on till December 2016. On December 23, 2016 the movie will be released and it will be cool. Please leave a comment if you have any feedback.

Jun 14, 2015

Marketing for the Third movie in the Teen Titans series. I will discuss how we market this film. We will have to market this film to the general public. For this movie, the Titans and Terra are the centerpiece. Both of them are known to comics and cartoon fans. Robin will be marketed as the leader of the team. His time with Batman helped make him a formidable opponent. Cyborg is marketed by his fame he achieved through the prequel. Not much will be change in his marketing scheme, but he will have a more important part in the following flick. Starfire will be marketed the same way from the first 2 movies I made.Currently she loves Robin. We can market tWeb site we create will allow people to view multiple versions of the trailer, watch behind-the-scenes interviews , download smart phone apps that relate to the film, play card and flash games based on the movie, have links to the movie's social media pages, chat in forums and pre-order tickets. Press junket will later be used in Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Hanoi. The Hanoi press junket is important. Hanoi has never had an international movie junket before. We have a Vietnamese born actor in the movie and will employ him in the junket. Vietnam is a growing economy. Not all the actors will be present at each, but the directors, writers and producers will be. Weeks before this movie  opens, the promotions department will starts a publicity blitz.  Movie marketers will plaster the sides of public transportation, run highly watched TV trailers during the before work hours, primetime and late night and the movie's stars will show up on The Tonight Show, The Minority Report and other talk shows. Hopefully, this movie will succeed. Please give feedback by leaving a comment. his aspect to those who ship Starfire and Robin.Beast Boy will have his marketing scheme changed. He is supposed to fall in love with Terra and that relationship can appeal to BBxTerra fans. Raven changes a little in marketing. She doesn't trust Terra because Terra doesn't work hard to control her powers but the half- demon does. Instead of being jealous, she wants to protect Beast Boy for most of this film. Overall, these heroes have some of their personalities changed when Terra comes in. Now the villains. Terra is an antagonist. Peyton List playing her is helpful as Disney fans will flock to see this beauty star. Slade is the other major antagonist in this flick. Here is the current way for this movie to market him. We will use his popularity from the last film to help market the bad guy. Cironellian chrysalis eater is another villain. As it is a monster, this will likely intrigue fans of superhero vs monster matchups. You will want to see the chrysalis eater if you are that type of guy. Police commissioner Jurdon is a supporting hero. Rob Riggle plays him and that can help Rob Riggle fans be swayed to see the film. Spy J is another character we can market. Korean Seo Knag Joon plays him and that can get South Korean audiences to boost the movie international profit. Overall, this is how we market the characters in this flick. Next we go into the marketing of Teen Titans brand.In this movie a team will get betrayed by someone they welcame with open arms. So this will appeal to people who like betrayal tales. Watching this film will unnerve those unfamiliar with the Titans.
 Then we get into the marketing of the movie itself. Sony Films and I will use its promotion department to advertise. We will use various media platforms. Film marketing will probably be more than $43 million in its marketing budget. Newspaper ads in the New York Post and Wall Street Journal can show the Titans and Terra with a giant image of Slade over them. TV stations like CBS,NBC, FOX and Disney Channel can show cool ads for this film. Spot TV should be used for channels like G4 and TNT to market to the comic fans niche. Websites like and can use visual advertising in the display to market the film. Theater trailers during movies, like Moana, Suicide Squad, Fifty Shades Darker and Assasin's Creed will convince many viewers to watch the movie in theaters. Radio ads on top stations in the pop, rock, R&B, metal, hip hop, electronic, country and jazz will be aired. Magazines, like the Nerdist or Wired and comic books by DC will have Teen Titans II move ads. Billboard ads in giant cities will definitely work. Promotion/ publicity can be done through action figures of the characters in the film. Fast food restaurants will put the action figures in their  kids' meals. About the time that trailers for "Teen Titans II" go into theaters, Sony and Paramount will create an official website for the movie. Web site created will allow people to view multiple versions of the trailer, watch behind-the-scenes interviews , download smart phone apps that relate to the film, play flash games based on the movie, have links to the movie's social media pages, chat in forums and pre-order tickets. Apps will be released on Apple, Google Play, Windows and Blackberry. Games will include a game where you try to defeat Slade and another game where you play a virtual instrument to Puffy Ami Yumi songs. Also there will be a pool party before release. The cast will have it at a mansion in SoCal. Press junket will later be used in Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Seoul. The Seoul press junket is a critical one. I will use that location since we have a South Korean actor in the film. Location of press junket will help market the movie to the East Asian market. Not all the actors will be present at each, but the directors and crew will be. Weeks before this movie  opens, the promotions department will do a publicity blitz.  Movie marketers will plaster the sides of public transportation, run highly watched TV trailers before work hours, in primetime and in  late night and the movie's stars will appear on The Tonight Show, The Minority Report and other comedy shows. Hopefully, Teen Titans II will succeed. Please give feedback by leaving a comment.

Jun 7, 2015

Music played during the third movie duration. This page lists the songs that will go on during Teen Titans II. Remember that this is the Judas Contract film. Here are the songs. First song is when Terra runs from the scorpion monster. "Monster" by Automatic will play. For the next  scene in a the fancy restaurant, a easy listening song will play in the background. "Neurotic Goldfish", a classical song by Alec Wilder will play while the Titans and Terra are eating. "Secrets We Keep" will play in the scene where Terra drives to Slade's base. It is a song by Wolf and relates to Terra's nasty secret. Concert scene with Puffy Ami Yumi will have a song playing as Terra and Beast Boy hug. "Love So Pure" by Puffy Ami Yumi will play. "Endless Love" by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie will be the next track. Ross' song will play during the romantic moments between Beast Boy and Terra. For the scene where Slade beats Terra for liking Beast Boy, a non-lyrical tune will play. Ominous music that is depressing will be played in this part of the film. Part where Terra destroys the Titans' car is another scene with music. "Eve of Destruction" chorus by Barry McGuire will play. Next song will play when Terra knocks out Starfire at the skateboarding park. Terra will sing part of "Constipation Blues" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Later song will play as Terra reflects on her betrayal of the Titans in the film. "Judas" by Lady Gaga will play and I chose that since Lady Gaga is a famous musician that sang about the epitome man of betraying. Final song of this movie is when Terra is memoralized by the heroes and city cops for defeating Slade. "I'll Remember You" by Atlantic Starr will play. So these are the tracks that will play during Teen Titans II.

Jun 2, 2015

Filming of this film. The next Titans movie will used certain filming techniques and tools. When it is all done, you will be impressed. So the first filming technique is the opening cliff scene. It will show Terra running from a robot scorpion. Robot scorpion will be real and controlled by filming crew.  After that scene will be Robin allowing Terra to use the car. We will use an enhanced car for this.

NBA video game that Terra and Beast Boy play will be NBA 2K15. It is a cool basketball game. Cironellian chrysalis eater will be CGI generated. However, it will look cool fighting Starfire. Terra's slade costume will be inspired by knights. Costume will be silver. In the scene where Cyborg is thrown off a cliff, there will be measures taken. Bottom of the cliff will have a bouncing mattress and Cyborg will likely have a stunt double. Skate park scene will be amazing. To please the safety advocates, we will make Terra wear a helmet and elbow/ knee caps.  For the scene where Terra turns against Slade, we will use special effects. A stone statue will be built before the movie starts filming. It will be used to show Terra in stone.

Next there will be certain tools used. Cyborg's equipment will be the same as the last films. Robot scorpion will have controls. This is to ensure that it doesn't go berserk and injure anyone. Also, the tower teleporter to the garage will be filmed with special effects. Green lights will be used in the effects. Sword and lance that Slade uses will be the same as in Teen Titans I. He will use care during filming to ensure that no one is killed. Mixer that spills batter over Terra and Beast Boy will be properly inspected before filming. Filming will be done a maximum of 4 times. Signal to the tower will be the same as the previous film. Alarm system will have same mechanisms as before. Bomb that explodes near Cyborg will not be real. Ketchup bomb will be used. Doll of Terra that fooled Cyborg will be a replica of Peyton List. It will be similar to a scarecrow and have Slade suit like figure. Army of Slade will use realistic replica guns. No one will be shot by them. Wreath will be used to honor Terra at the end. Real wreath will be used. So these are the filming techniques and tools.